Snazistaff Highland Rose
10th August 2003 - 7th July 2021

My World fell apart late yesterday when I had to do the best thing for my Girl ‘Ginga’.
I’m so broken, still can’t believe it, she’s gone, such a horrid drive home with her missing in the car.

You were and always will be MY GIRL , my very Special little Lady you never made it to your 18th Birthday in August & I had your whole day planned for Special things and treats as you LOVED your food.

When I first took you home as a Puppy I would rock you in my arms and Sing you Lullaby’s, you never ever liked seeing me cry, if we had a storm you had to be cuddled and we would stay on the lounge together until it passed through.

I'm going to Miss you in my room at night as you were my sleeping buddy in your beautiful warm bed and blanky’s, I was always leaning over the side of my bed when I heard you move around and cover your little back up so you stayed warm.

You were my Office Girl, every morning, now I have empty beds everywhere in the house because where I went you went.
When Dad got up you knew he would take you out the back onto your favourite rug to sit in the Sun as you loved that.

Your favourite food was BBQ Chicken and when I use to cut up a BBQ Chicken for you, you wouldn’t leave the kitchen until you got a little bit.I’m going to Miss your lovely happy little face when I called your name and bent down for you to be Cuddled.

We had a little thing I use to do for her I would say, “Ginga Special Thing”, she would come to me and we would put our foreheads together & I would whisper to her, “I LOVE you Gin”, and she always waited for her Kiss I would give her on her head, then pat her and should would be as happy as a pig in mud.

Anyone that met her loved her, she had a very Special part in her Heart for my Son Luke, if you saw her tail banging against the front door you knew we had a visitor and I would say, “Bet that’s Luke”, she would go metal when he finally could get through the door to give her pats, Cuddles and much love, I'm sorry I broke your heart last night when I rang you Son.

To my Daughter who drove us there with my Grandson Aiden, I will always be very grateful xx.

Ginga I Love you so much and you knew that, I’ll miss you forever and LOVE you till I’m gone.

Goodbye my Darling little Girl, Im sure we will meet again, Heaven will look after you